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  2. Prenume:Sergiu Vârsta:28 ani Locație:Timișoara Ocupație: operator Hobby-uri și pasiuni: cs fotbal Modalitate de contact: pm Cum ai aflat de STRIX?: google O poză cu tine (opțional):- Acordă o notă comunitații: 10 Alte detalii: ceauless
  3. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  4. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  5. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  6. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  7. Am luat ban fix dupa ce am dat link ul cu pozele. Aici sunt pozele, a durat putin ca a trebuit sa le convertesc in jpeg ca nu le accepta site-ul in bmp. Pe partea de wargods nu am ce sa fac, dupa ce am rulat comezile in cmd, scaneaza pana pe la 15% se inchide si aia e, nu mi pune niciun link in clipboard. asta e servarul, https://imgur.com/a/oZ5bU9N Informatii despre Ban Nume: Mircione IP: Motiv: no-ss+wg Timp de Unban: Permanent Ban Nume Admin: aAa*44ndy Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:180062830
  8. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  9. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  10. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  11. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  12. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  13. Salut doresc si eu o SEMNATURA daca se poate. nick - MaidanuL - detinator - avg.strix.ro Multumesc
  14. Model postare : Nume : Care este sugestia/propunerea dumneavoastră? : Cum va ajuta această sugestie/propunere comunitatea? : Regulament postare : Înainte de a face o sugestie/propunere, verificați dacă această sugestie nu a fost făcută și de către alt utilizator !
  15. Daca esti nemultumit de activitatea unui admin, si consideri ca nu-si face treaba in mod corespunzator, te rugam sa-i faci o reclamatie! Model Nick: Adminul reclamat: Dovada: Explicatie: Cine posteaza in aceasta sectiune: # Cel care a facut cererea # Adminul care a dat banul Nerespectarea modelului de reclamatie, duce la ignorarea acesteia. Nerespectarea regulamentului, atrage dupa sine sanctiuni
  16. Titlul topic-ului trebuie să fie in felul următor: [Unban] Nume Cererea va fi deschisă maxim 48 de ore! La cerere va raspunde doar adminul care a dat ban și playerul care a primit ban-ul! 1. NickName: 2. IP: 3. SteamID: 4. Data & Ora: 5. NickName-ul Admin-ului: 6. Motiv: 7. Dovezi (obligatoriu):
  17. Pentru a primi Admin trebuie să aveți minim 17 ani. Folosirea Teamspeak-ului este Obligatorie ! Daca NU folosesti teamspeak nu te obosi sa faci cerere! Titlul topicului trebuie să fie : [AVG] Cerere Admin "Nick" MODEL CERERE ADMIN: Nume Real: Nick CS: Steam ON/OFF?: CONTACT: POTI DONA?: Prezintate in cateva cuvinte:
  18. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  19. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  20. Rezolvat! Din pacate nu se ocupa nimeni de acest server !
  21. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  22. Nume: aAa*44ndy Nume admin reclamat: blondu4 Dovezi: blondu4 : aa daca si asat e sunet eu sun popa *** traka traka killed AKSIT with a headshot from ak47 *** Kicked Completed demo ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp aAa*44ndy is joining the Counter-Terrorist force] record demoo2 recording to demoo2.dem. Kicked by Console Kicked Completed demo ] name asd ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp asd is joining the Counter-Terrorist force] name asd ] record demoo2 recording to demoo2.dem. # https://shop.fungun.net - Shop plugins for AMX Mod X # tatar (RADIO): Fire in the hole! Kicked by Console Kicked Completed demo ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp asd is joining the Counter-Terrorist forceKicked ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Kicked ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp asd is joining the Counter-Terrorist forceKicked by Console Kicked ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp asd is joining the Terrorist force*** deanbroske killed traka traka with a headshot from aug *** # https://shop.fungun.net - Shop plugins for AMX Mod X # xXK1ll3RXx killed AL ARABE with m4a1 Gambino connectedGambino is joining the Counter-Terrorist force*** tatar killed deanbroske with a headshot from m4a1 *** asd : blodnule, ne vedem pe forum [FORUM] Vizitati forumul --> www.strix.ro/forum deanbroske dropped deanbroske has left the gameasd : sefule Kicked by Console Kicked ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp asd is joining the Terrorist forceKicked by Console Kicked ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp asd is joining the Terrorist forceKicked ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Kicked ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp asd is joining the Terrorist force] say esti prea slab sa iti dai seama cum se joaca PRO. Kicked by Console Kicked ] name aAa*44ndy ] retry Commencing connection retry to Connecting to Connection accepted by * Privileges set BUILD 3428 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 12 Couldn't open overviews/fy_snow.bmp aAa*44ndy is joining the Terrorist force*** AL ARABE killed (1)NT | Player with a headshot from usp *** *** kadır killed AL ARABE with a headshot from m4a1 *** Kicked by Console Kicked Dovada demo cum am jucat: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b9bHZAVEPQ4HZHQGh-vLc7_tDxDH9Sem/view?usp=drive_link Observatii: Am intrat pe server ca tot omu, am primit report ca am cod, s-a uitat pe mine 10 minute, a zis dupa ca nu am nici un cod. pe fy_snow trageam de fiecare runda prin perete la spawn, si intr-o runda l-am omorat direct pe blondu4, si mi-a dat kick, de acolo a inceput ploaia de kick-uri. Dupa ce l-am omorat se vede si din consola "daca si asta e sunet, sunt popa". Nu are experienta ca admin, dadea slapuri aiurea la toti ca cica stau in baza. Se vede pe demo tot. Sa nu mai zic de faptul ca daca intra altul mai bun ca mine, nu o sa il lase sa joace la fel ca pe mine.
  23. Nume: aAa*44ndy Nume admin reclamat: blondu4
  24. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  25. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  26. Welcome to STRIX ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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